Checklist When You Travel 1. Passport and Tickets Most important thing to check before leaving is tickets and passport if you are going out of country. Though everything is available on smartphone these days, still it is wise to keep a pri nt out of tickets with you. Do check day and time of travel once again to be sure. 2. Identification Card It is one of the most important thing to carry with you. ID-card not only help in proving your identity if required, but also a requirement for booking a room, renting a vehicle, renting equipment for a activity etc. At places photocopy of ID-card can be taken, so make sure it has necessary details like address, photo and expiry date (if any). 3. First Aid Box By first aid box I mean to say basic medicines that can be used if need arises. You can keep these medicines according to the requirement of your trip. For example in case of leisure travel headache medicine, pain killer, etc. will do. But if you are going on an adve...